About Marls NYC

About Us

MARLS NYC, formerly known as the Merchant Association of Rosedale Laurelton & Springfield Gardens, NY, was founded in 2016 by 6 concerned business owners who saw the great challenges Black Merchants were experiencing in order to keep their doors open. Much of the challenge was a result of a lack of effective business operations, difficulty accessing capital, gaining and retaining loyal clients, and getting certified for and winning contracts.

Today, MARLS NYC has evolved to equipping and empowering not only Black merchants in the initial three local cities to get the assistance they desperately need but also extends the same service and assistance to Black and Brown business owners in Boroughs of NYC.


Black and Brown businesses thriving well in New York.


To serve as a cutting-edge business development & vetting entity that advocates for and provides opportunities for education, training, collaboration, preparation to attain resources, and personalized handholding for sustainable business growth.

As we continue our journey, MARLS NYC remains committed to fostering an environment where diversity, inclusivity, and economic empowerment are at the forefront of our efforts. Together, we strive to build a stronger and more prosperous community for all.